Welcome to SOCHUM 67!

Hello delegates! Who's excited for BMUN 67, because we sure are!

This year, the Third Committee on Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Affairs will be revisiting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as addressing population mitigation in Asia.

The topic synopsis is up here on the BMUN website. The synopsis is a great place to start your research, as both topics we are discussing this year can be taken in many different directions. We believe that the more you delve into these topics, the more you will understand and appreciate the intricacies of human rights, population policy, and so much more.

 Also, make sure you read our position paper guidelines (which have changed from past BMUNs for those of you returning) which are also on the website. 

If you have any questions during your research, please don't hesitate to email our committee at sochumlxvii@bmun.org :) We're always here to help and answer questions.

Good luck! Sincerely,
Joanne Qi
Head Chair, SOCHUM 


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