Committee technology policy

Hi everyone! Today's post from me will be short and sweet, discussing our technology policy for committee, as well as some advice from the dais on how to feel prepared for debate.

Like many other committees at BMUN, SOCHUM will allow use of laptops, tablets, phones, etc. to do research and type up position papers during unmoderated caucuses only. If people start using technology during debate, then we'll unfortunately also have to limit tech during unmod as well, so please be respectful.

Now that the boring part is over, the dais has some tips for you on how to feel prepared for debating in a large committee like SOCHUM!

  • Confidence is key
  • Know your country's policies and allies before you come into debate, but also be open to work with new people
  • Make sure your speeches and solutions are ~* unique *~ and delivered with passion. In a large committee your time to speak to everyone in debate is limited, so use it wisely! 
  • Be open to all ideas during unmoderated caucus
  • Have patience when you want to be called on: we will get to you, don't worry! 
  • Building off other people's ideas in your speeches and resolutions is what we like to see :) 
Whether it's your first or your fifteenth debate, every conference is a chance to learn something new :D Do you guys have any tips for debate? 


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