Digital Human Rights Concerns

Hello Delegates!

I hope everyone is excited for conference! For some current events regarding digital human rights and their inefficiencies within the UDHR, here are a few articles.

The first two articles outline a recent development in which China's facial recognition software has become so intelligent that it can track people to regulate everything from criminals to greedy toilet paper users. What are, if any, the ethical concerns behind such widespread surveillance? Should there be a check?

The third article delves into the issue of commercial companies such as Facebook collecting users' information. What may be some overarching effects within your countries if such collection remains unchecked? What might your countries' policies be on this issue and how might a solution be found?

Consider these questions if you want to move forward in committee to amend the UDHR along such lines. Thanks!


  1. The nation of France strongly believes that digital rights has not received the international attention it deserves even after the passing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. With this in mind, the French Republic believes that increased monitorization must become a main priority within all state governments. To achieve this, France recommends to the international community the implementation of initiatives or frameworks that work in conjunction with local country governments to ensure that digital rights becomes a basic human right law, and that mechanisms including monitorization are properly adhered.


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