Chair intros: Lucia

Hey Everyone!

I'm Lucia and I'll be one of your vice chairs this year in SOCHUM for BMUN 67. I'm really excited for another fantastic year and look forward to getting to know all of you.

Sadly, this is my final year at Cal and I'll be graduating from Berkeley this Spring. Currently, I'm studying Economics and Business Administration and will be sticking around the Bay Area after graduation. This also happens to be my fourth and final year in BMUN, having previously been a part of our Chinese State Council, UNHRC and SPECPOL committees. 

When I'm not working on BMUN, you can find me baking or watching the Bachelor. Aside from my questionable reality TV tastes, most of my professional experiences have been centered around technology so please feel free to reach out with any questions, or just to talk :) 

Be on the lookout for most posts and get hyped for conference!


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