Article: China's population 'to peak' in 2029 at 1.44 billion
Article: China's population 'to peak' in 2029 at 1.44 billion
Hey Delegates!
Hope everyone is getting excited for conference. It’s Lucia
here and I’ve found another article that you can browse through here.
In short, the title speaks for itself. China’s population is
going to soar to 1.44 billion people in 2029. While growth in recent years has
slowed and the country will experience a period of population decline
thereafter, the ever prominent question still remains: how will China deal with
the ramifications its historical population growth?
Specifically, I want to call to attention the growing problem
of a disproportionate workforce. As a consequence of the One Child policy, the proportion
of working adults (15-64 years) with respect to dependent age groups like
children and the elderly is decreasing dramatically. In other words, China is
now faced with the prospect of having to care for more people that can’t work or
be independent with less people working than before.
What are your thoughts on the situation? Take a look at the
article yourself and comment down below your insights. Also, feel free to take
some time to consider these questions as guideposts to your analysis.
How might China evolve its policies, if at all,
to confront this new status quo?
What are the other potential consequences you
foresee resulting from this situation?
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