Venezuela's Human Rights Violation
Hi everyone!
I am going to share an article about Venezuela's Human Rights Violation that hopefully can inspire you upon the topic of Revisiting the UDHR.
Although Venezuela is among the 48 signatories of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Venezuela, currently under the governance of President Nicholas Maduro, is severely violating human rights of the people.
Venezuela, after President Nicholas Maduro supported the Supreme Court of Justice to take over the National Assembly as an attempt to eliminate all forces of opposition against the Maduro Administration in the political arena. Therefore, numerous protests have happened in Venezuela to oppose Madruo Administration's tyranny.
According to Venezuela human rights civil society, Venezuela has used arm forces to repress protests, which has already caused 41 deaths of protestors in 2019. Moreover, a Venezuelan organization called "Foro Penal estimates the number of people currently detained for political reasons is 942" (UTC). Among all the detained civilians, about 137 of them are children and adolescents.
Venezuela's human rights abuse severely violate article 19 of the UDHR: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers" (UDHR, 1948).
However, since UDHR is not legally binding, Venezuela, as a signatory of the UDHR, would not be penalized for its abuse upon human rights.
Along with human rights violation, Venezuela is currently facing political unrests and serious economic crisis.
Questions to consider:
1. After reading about the case study of Venezuela's human rights violation, do you have any proposed solutions to better enforce the UDHR?
2. Does human rights violations oftern correspond with the country's political instability?
I am going to share an article about Venezuela's Human Rights Violation that hopefully can inspire you upon the topic of Revisiting the UDHR.

Venezuela, after President Nicholas Maduro supported the Supreme Court of Justice to take over the National Assembly as an attempt to eliminate all forces of opposition against the Maduro Administration in the political arena. Therefore, numerous protests have happened in Venezuela to oppose Madruo Administration's tyranny.
According to Venezuela human rights civil society, Venezuela has used arm forces to repress protests, which has already caused 41 deaths of protestors in 2019. Moreover, a Venezuelan organization called "Foro Penal estimates the number of people currently detained for political reasons is 942" (UTC). Among all the detained civilians, about 137 of them are children and adolescents.
Venezuela's human rights abuse severely violate article 19 of the UDHR: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers" (UDHR, 1948).
However, since UDHR is not legally binding, Venezuela, as a signatory of the UDHR, would not be penalized for its abuse upon human rights.
Along with human rights violation, Venezuela is currently facing political unrests and serious economic crisis.
Questions to consider:
1. After reading about the case study of Venezuela's human rights violation, do you have any proposed solutions to better enforce the UDHR?
2. Does human rights violations oftern correspond with the country's political instability?
The delegation of Andorra is strongly for revisiting the UDHR as we value human rights and believe that they are inalienable. Andorra protects human beings and we do not try to violate human rights. We also have to take in consideration of more contemporary rights, such as the rights of the LGBT community and digital rights. To do this, we have to try better ways make sure that each member nation that signed the declaration is committed to keeping their residents safe and follows the mentioned rights. If you have any further questions or questions about our solutions, feel free to contact the delegation of Andorra during unmod.